Hall Budget

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All hall budget information for Fall 2009 is NOT official at this time.

Budget Rules

TBD, all rules are currently under review

Budget Proposals

  • the proposed budget is compiled by the Hall Chairs who receive proposals from comms and individual hall members
  • comms are allowed to propose general amounts for their group's use, a sort of comm "slush" fund
    • however, overall money requested must be organized into an approximate mini-budget in order to justify how much the comm asks for
      • comms are not necessarily obligated to buy every item proposed in mini-budget unless voted on by hall as a separate item and not as part of the comm's general fund
    • big ticket items should include links/quotes on prices
  • individuals may propose rough amounts for one-time purchases
    • most purchases should consist of single items or one-time event funding
    • proposals for items that fall under comm responsibility will be forwarded to the corresponding comm
      • comms must review these proposals and mention all of them at the budget meeting
    • individuals must have links/quotes on prices as well
  • all proposals must be in the Friday before the Sunday meeting, though some changes will be allowed during the meeting itself

Budget Approvals

  • at the budget meeting, the proposed budget is reviewed
    • Hall Chairs will present overall proposed budget and comms or individuals will explain their own proposals
    • discussion of proposed budget will follow with residents asking questions and offering changes to the budget
  • budget is put together to reach total amount given for term
    • slush funds are always budgeted and are intended for emergency use only
  • the rough budget for the term is approved at the meeting by majority vote of those present
  • throughout the term, approval must be granted for big budget spending by comms at monthly hall meetings
    • comms will send notice to Hall Chairs who will forward info about comm spending approval at upcoming meetings

Budget Records

Past budgets at Hall History.

Proposed Fall 2009 Budget

Item Sponsor Total $ $ Spent Date Details
Finals Meals floorpi-chairs 200? end of term discuss with GRT, hopefully get it covered
Hall Feeds/Social Comm? 300 as announced to be placed under comm?
Hall Photo floorpi-chairs 150 yearbook photo taken every year
EC Party PartyComm 200 food and beverages, EC SocComm matches up to $200
AVComm AVComm (meeg) 100 46.18 graphics card for flours
GameComm GameComm (meeg) 100 30 purchased Mario Kart (Wii)
Hall Improvements/Nice Things Comm? 150 up for review, hall paint?
KitchenComm KitchenComm 50 food and cleaning supplies
Slush floorpi-chairs 200 for emergency purposes only
Total 1250

Spring 2009 Budget

When applicable, email out exact specs of item a few days before actual purchase. Try to buy things that you can by April. Budget proposal totals to $2,000.

Item Sponsor Total $ $ Spent Date
Finals Meals floorpi-chairs 200 end of term
Hall Rush floorpi-chairs 315 end of term/summer/beginning of next term
Hall Feeds/Social floorpi-chairs 350 as announced
EC Party Samuel/Mikerik/Charles 200 171.98 5/8
AVComm AVComm (meeg) 75 76.16 April
GameComm GameComm (meeg) 50 51.66 April
LoungeComm LoungeComm (s_evans) 180 220ish (107.46+) in progress
New Athena Machine (flours) Sho 130 129.96 already
Murder Mystery Dinner Annie 100 5/14
Bob floorpi-chairs 150
Kitchen Supplies Rachel? 50
Slush floorpi-chairs 200
Total 2000

Slush Funds

Item Sponsor $ Spent
DVI Cable Sho 16.34
Adapters/Speakers Sho 59.08
Slush Total