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This page will be full of resources at MIT for various personal issues. This page is currently under development (09/15/2019).

Although hall has MedLinks and Pleaducators and a GRA, sometimes people want to speak with someone they haven't met before. The original intent of this page was to list such anonymous resources. This page is roughly ordered in decreasing abstraction, AKA from most remote to most in-person & specific to floorpi.

I've tried my best to write the procedures for some of these resources that I've used. If your experience is different or you have more comments, please modify as such.

Use the table of contents to jump to whatever section suits your needs most


Remote resources

Resources that do not involve communication in-person.

More to be added

Urgent or emergency numbers

State of emergency Number to call Notes
Located at MIT or FSILGs (617) 253-1212 Spend a Wednesday evening memorizing this number (it's p easy)!
Located at MIT 100 You may use 100 on a campus phone, if it's more convenient.
NOT located at MIT or FSILGs 911 General US emergency number
Clinician on call (617) 253-4481 Call if MIT Medical is closed but you need to address an urgent medical concern or need an urgent prescription refill
Urgent care (617) 253-4481 For medical or mental health urgent issues.
Violence Prevention and Response (617) 253-2300 24-hr number. Supports survivors in making a plan after: sexual assault, dating & domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, unhealthy relationships.

Pro-tip: you can put these numbers in your contact list

Lean On Me

2019 poster for Lean On Me

Lean On Me is an anonymous text service where MIT students can have conversations with fellow MIT students about anything. The way the service works is that when a user texts the number, the system will encrypt your phone number and send an alert to our peer supporters. Then, an available peer supporter will answer your text. The anonymity works both ways.

Number: (617) 500-4004

In-person resources

Student Support Services (S3)

Student Support Services (AKA S3, S3, or "S cubed") can help you work with your professors if you ever have a medical or mental health issue that prevents you from finishing an assignment on time.

Location 5-104
Hours Mon-Fri, 9a-5p
Walk-in hours Mon-Fri, 10-11a and 2-3p

Generally the procedure is:

  • Walk in and meet with an S3 individual
  • Inform them of your distress at a level of specificity comfortable to you
  • They'll help you write an email to your professor(s) for accommodation
  • Your professor will not be informed of the reason for the accommodation
  • You can make an appointment for a later date to tell them how the accommodation went

Student Disability Services

Violence Prevention & Response

Title IX & Bias Response (T9BR)

(IIRC they're changing their name again)

T9BR flowchart

Bias Response

Excerpt from here:

MIT is committed to providing a working, living, and learning environment free of harassment, bias, and discrimination for all of its community members. Addressing incidents of bias and discrimination is a community wide responsibility. The Title IX & Bias Response Office (T9BR) will work closely with our colleagues in other offices to address incidents of bias and discrimination with educational outreach and training.

T9BR will also work closely with the Bias Response Team to document and review all reports of bias or discrimination alleged to have been committed by students, provide impacted students and communities with information on resources for assistance and options to address concerns, develop and coordinate an appropriate response plan, and identify any patterns or systemic problems.

This brochure explains the procedure in clearer detail than the flow chart on the right. You have the power to submit this form, either anonymously or non-anonymously. The most common response to bias and harassment is a private educational follow-up with the instigator.

Mental Health & Couseling

MIT Medical

People at EC

This section needs to be updated every year (er, semester?). Thus, please update it, and write when you last checked that all the information was proper.

Last checked all info was correct: 09/15/2019

(Note: the direct quotes below are, unless otherwise specified, from David Ramsay's email I used to construct much of this page)

Entity Kerb Role Support they can provide
Alexandria Clyburn aclyburn The new Area Director Remarkably friendly and empathetic. "Best person to talk to in a crisis, or just anytime."
Sandy Alexandre alexandy Head of House "Easy to talk to, fun, and thoughtful. She has a new baby too! You can find her on the first floor of Monroe. Good to talk to for bureaucratic concerns or big issues."
Eden and Cristian Medina eden, crmedina Associate Heads of House Located in putz (2W) just below us. Have a son name Gael. "Good to talk about anything, especially things relating to EC."
Bisrat Abebe bisrata S3 liaison "Reach out to him if you need to get an assignment/exam excused or bumped. He can help with more serious problems, too— he's a trained social worker with experience in crisis intervention. He's a great first point of contact for most things."
Kathleen Monagle monaglek Student Disability Services "if you feel like you generally might want extra accommodation with tests or assignments, Kathleen is the woman that can make it happen. If you break your arm or leg, she's also the right person to reach out to for special accommodations."
EC GRAs ec-grt The "the older looking ones in the building". Mentors and role models, someone to talk to.
EC MedLinks ec-medlinks Can contact if our MedLink doesn't seem to be on hall. Note, EC has many MedLinks; if you'd like to keep your issue confidential, wait for hall's MedLink.

People on floorpi

Last checked all info was correct: 09/15/2020

Person Kerb Role Support they can provide
David dramsay Graduate resident assistant (GRA) Casual conversation, serious or non-serious issues, mentor, support. Lives on the south end of hall (M306).
Theo tkblack Hall chair Runs hall meetings, goes to EC meetings every other Wednesday, knows more about how hall and EC operate.
Dani darodrig Hall chair Talk to them for reimbursements, or to ask how to file a work order, or to ask how hall operates.
Dani darodrig MedLink Medical attention, advice, MIT Medical resources, single doses of common over-the-counter (OTC) medication. Located in Hayden near KL (rm H314).
Theo tkblack Pleaducator Friendly pleaducator and pizen. You can talk to her about sex & relationships.