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Rena J Katz
Room M307


Year 2012
Course Undeclared

Rena writes her course notes as emo poetry:

this joyless meadow lacks all life
a barren field, filled with strife
for one inside, the outlook is blue
you cannot gain the happiness you pursue
for despite how your path you may try to bend
it makes no difference once you meet your end
you cannot change your final fate
you know what final value you await
it is in this place that I am held captive
this vector field, it is conservative

Rena stores food in other people's refrigerators. When she doesn't have her own food, she shamelessly mooches off of others. She has been compared to the evil bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. She makes a point of not playing Super Smash Bros (except she has once) and tools on Saturdays.

Likes: food, air, cats, tofu, purple, pillows, purple pillows, slinkies, slinkies, dysfunctional metal slinkies, rainbow plastic slinkies, small rainbow plastic slinkies, the Beatles, physics, pretending to sleep, purple carpets, squishy, onions, random football, bouncing

Dislike: that not quite broccoli-broccoli stuff, broccoli, not-purple-carpet, non-pillows, broccoli, meat, burnt onions, crying because of onions, theft, you, you, and you, broken slinkies, boring stuff