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Tian-Yi (Damien) Jiang
Room H307
Year 2014
Course Mathematics

Hi guys. I'm Damien Jiang. I'm a mommy for the 2012-2013 school year. I'm also apparently a famous professor, but don't believe that. (A shirt with the former picture exists as well.)

About me

I am obsessive and compulsive, in the sense that I compulsively obsess over stupid things like editing wikis, reading wikis, writing forum posts, reading forum posts, giving bad advice, heeding bad advice, playing games, watching games, etc. Basically, my self-control is lacking. Moreover, I'm easily distracted while working, and my procrastination skills are well-honed; this commonly forces problem-set all-nighters and sometimes causes poor academic performance. I'm also simultaneously elitist and naive, loud in public and shy with strangers, stupid and a math major.

Despite all this, I'm relatively friendly, and my door is almost always open, so feel free to talk to me!

Things I do, except for video games

Don't be fooled; I actually spend all my time gaming/interneting (on Teamliquid, facebook, Art of Problem Solving)/IMing/eating. Sigh.


I need a work ethic and some sort of anti-distraction mechanism.

  • Major: Course 18 (Mathematics). May be interested in algebraic topology or number theory, but who knows?
  • Other subjects of interest:
    • (Theoretical) computer science: Though my coding skill is lacking, and my tricky-algorithms skill is lacking, I find TCS pretty cool.
    • Linguistics: I did linguistics olympiad, which is really a puzzle contest... but I've taken a few linguistics classes and done a linguistics UROP, so hopefully I'm not totally clueless.
    • Physics: I am terrible at physics.
    • Econ: I guess I'm concentrating in this. I don't know why (something money something?)

Classes Taken

  • 2010 - 2011
    • Fall 2010: 3.091, 8.022, 18.701, 12.A32 (Cellular Automata Seminar), 24.906
    • IAP 2011: Battlecode (with Josh, Vlad, and Alex Zhai), 6.096 (Introduction to C++)
    • Spring 2011 : 14.01, 18.312, 18.702, 8.04, 21M.302, 18.03
  • 2011 - 2012
    • Fall 2011: 18.100C, 6.046J, 24.902, 14.12, 8.05
    • IAP 2012: Battlecode (with Josh and Tim, and Jon as a consultant). (Somehow a finalist!)
    • Spring 2012: 18.901, 6.004, 6.005, 6.875J, ES.S61 (Introduction to Trading)


I'm fat and unathletic, and with my sedentary lifestyle and voracious appetite, have been getting progressively more so.

  • Swimming: Horribly, horribly out of shape.
  • Ultimate: Can't run; hopefully improving at throwing while being defended?
  • Ping-pong: Disgustingly bad backhand, but can rally with forehand decently.
  • Badminton: Took a PE class! Woo!
  • Basketball: Can knock down Brandon while defending him; having mass is useful!


I like harmonizing a lot, and fancy myself a musician... though the list of pieces/songs I know is horrendously short. Please introduce more music to me (except maybe death metal.)

  • Singing: Part of XLinked, a summer version of the Christian a capella group XProducts.
  • Piano: Stopped taking lessons in 9th grade (after 12 years), at which point my skill rivaled that of my friend who had played for two years. Now, I improvise, heavily overusing left-hand arpeggios and pedal.
  • Clarinet: Was first chair in high school, playing in Wind Ensemble/Orchestra/Pit Orchestra; now I sound like a 6th grader.

Other activities

Things that I wouldn't terribly mind for an interviewer to know.

  • Grading captain and teaching assistant for AoPS; in particular, I work mostly with the Worldwide Online Olympiad Training (WOOT) program. We also grade for the USA Mathematical Talent Search.
  • (Inactive) writer (and sometimes translator/Liquipedia editor) for I am a Brood War elitist, despite my lack of skills at the game. I'm also a (non-contributing) member of MIT Starleague.
  • I usually teach a class for ESP's Splash and Spark programs. In the past, I've taught:
    • Splash 2010:
      1. Maxwell's Equations for Dummies (with Josh): self-explanatory, though Josh took 1.5 of our 2 ours teaching multivariable calculus, resulting in disaster.
      2. Intermediate Olympiad Geometry (with Vlad): turned out to be more like AIME-level geometry.
      3. Canada, and why you shouldn't live there (with Josh and Jon): a horrible but amusing class.
    • Splash 2011:
      1. My Little Set: Compactness is Magic (with Josh): it turns out that explaining Dedekind cuts really sucks.
      2. ZT Stacking and T-Spinning: stole (with permission) my former roommate flamewheel's guide.
      3. Extreme Math (with Jon): Kids came up to the board and solved problems on the spot! Jon did most of the work, but it was entertaining!
    • Spark 2012:
      1. Coloring (with Josh): checkerboard and graph coloring.
      2. Extreme Math (with Josh and Jon): Again, Jon did most of the work. Again, it was amusing.

Stupid Catchphrases

I mindlessly repeat stupid lots of stupid catchphrases, including, but not limited to:

  • "How rude!"
  • "The following,"
  • "et cetera" (replacing the end of a sentence, clause, or phrase)
  • "various" (generic pronoun, usually used when it's unclear what is being replaced)
  • "thereof" (generic pronoun, usually used when it's clear what is being replaced)
  • "(Holy) buckets" (variations include "what the buckets," etc.)
  • "Holy carp"
  • "Saucebag"

Other interests

Other things I'm probably willing to talk about:


Video/Computer games I've been playing for a while

Usually I play these sporadically, but in huge (and devastating, to my health and grades) bursts.

  • Game Boy games, usually on VisualBoyAdvance: Pokemon (Gen I/II mostly), Zelda, Fire Emblem, Advance Wars.
  • Tetris. I'm #2 now #5 on the Ultra leaderboard.
  • Starcraft: Brood War on iCCup. D/D- Terran 1v1, D/D+ Terran/sometimes Protoss/rarely Zerg 2v2. I don't own Starcraft II, and will likely not be persuaded to buy it (though I may begin playing if someone wants to donate an account to me and if my computer can handle it without crashing...)
  • Super Smash Bros. Melee (see SmashBoards.) I mostly play Samus/Sheik/Zelda/Ganondorf/Link/Falco. I'm among the worst players on hall; I can't L-cancel, frequently do things I don't want to, and don't know what to do besides.
  • The Two Towers MUD. I've been playing on and off since 2005 or so.
  • Minecraft--the only game I paid for on this list!1
  • Not technically a computer game, but online Dominion. I'm not very good.

Video/Computer games I started playing in the past year

Video/Computer games played on hall

  • Super Smash Bros. Melee, again.
  • Mario Kart. Haven't really tried Double Dash, though I've played Wii a fair bit.
  • Rock Band. Can do the singing part, hard bass, and medium drums. Urgh.

Other video/computer games I found fun at some point

Puzzles/Word games

  • I participate on the hall Mystery Hunt team each year.
  • Ian has lured me into doing puzzles such as Slitherlink, Nurikabe, and Shikaku. I also do Sudoku sometimes.
  • Scrabble (Words with Friends), Contact.
  • 24 (and its cousin 161, with 6 cards).

Evil games I once played

  • League of Legends (no link because it's evil).


1 This excludes: old games my parents/grandparents may have bought for me, hall games.