Nice Things

From Floor Pi Wiki
Revision as of 14:04, 17 October 2007 by Charlest (Talk)

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There are two kinds of nice things. The kind we can have, and the kind we can't. Almost invariably, we can't have nice things.

Remember that time you were playing soccer inside and you kicked it the wrong way and then your mother was crying over a broken vase and your father was glowering and getting ready to administer a beating and it was the best birthday ever?

Well, you're why you can't have nice things.

Nice Things We Can Have

  • Null Set

Nice Things We Can't Have

Convert to bulleted list later

shiny pans (baking, frying, boiling)

but the dilemma is: will they be burned into submission before they run away?

vacuum cleaners

srsly, how do we manage to spend a ton of money on a vacuum and then break it or at least not be able to use it properly (really, you're an "engineer" you should be able to figure out how to use a vacuum)

suggestion: NO MORE NEW HALL VACUUMS (especially expensive ones...), or at least we should get a shop vac that might be able to hold up for more that a semester or two before people start complaining about it

META LOL (I just lost the Game)

Capitalization and coherence on a wiki, apparently.

Also, register a fucking account.