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REX (aka Residential Exploration, formerly called Rush until politics/adults happened) is the week-long freshman orientation when frosh do all the things including: mandatory talks about classes, diversity, student life, academic advising, Math Diagnostics Test, ASAs, attendingallofthedormeventsandhavingpeoplesaymanywordswhichyou'llforgetbutit'sokaybecausenoneoftheupperclassmenrememberthewordsspokentothemduringtheirrusheitherandohiforgotyournameagainsorrywhoareyouandjkitdoesn'tmatterbecauseRUSH...

What do? in 4 easy steps

  1. go to courtyard
  2. eat your n-th rushburger
  3. talk to people and do things that are happening at the time
  4. have fun :)

Also see EC Rush pages (current: EC Rush 2018)

REX scavenger hunt: (this isn't an official thing. actually schin19 just listed a bunch of cliches for new people who haven't experienced rex in it's full glory to look forwards to)

  • find a gaggle of frosh who are comparing SAT/ACT/GPA scores
  • find a frosh who claims to know quantum mechanics or algebraic topology
  • be asked where Lobby 7 is while waiting to cross the street at 77 Mass Ave
  • be asked where EC is while chilling in the courtyard
  • comfort alarmed parents about life
  • mistake another upperclassmen for a frosh or be mistaken by another upperclassmen as a frosh
  • be froshy