Serious Business

From Floor Pi Wiki
Revision as of 19:53, 22 October 2007 by Charlest (Talk | contribs)

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Serious Business is, well, serious business. You shouldn't fuck with it. Srsly.

On The Internet

As is known throughout the interworlds, the Internet is primarily composed of serious business. Catastrophies can result from the assumption that something that is serious business, isn't, or vice versa. The ability to distinguish between the two is vital. Many social sites exist specifically to allow people to conduct serious business, such as 4chan.

On The Floor Pi Wiki

Serious business on this wiki is the opposite of what it is on the Internets. We use the Serious Business template to denote that the page you are viewing actually means something to someone, and should not be fucked with. Articles that are not marked as such are less important, but naturally trifling with these articles may result in a net loss of lulz, since you may be damaging the character, wit, and timeless humor of such pages (see PENIS PENIS PENIS).

The Serious Business template can be added to your article by making the first line


Serious business tags will probably be removed from the wiki once it has been determined that its users don't suck at the Internet; and more specifically, at distinguishing when it is appropriate to troll someone's lame-ass article.

On that note, lame-ass articles are an important exception to this rule. It is OK to troll an article, regardless of the presence of the Serious Business tag, if it is clear that not very much work went into it. Basically, go nuts on anything that can be described as a waste of space. Pages like that will be, as I am so fond of saying, fucked with a rake, and then promptly removed from the wiki after everyone runs out of new ways to implement Goatse.