Tea time

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Tea time is an event that happens every week or so. We all get together in the TVL, drink tea and eat snacks, and talk about stuff, usually about a certain topic. There's no real start or end to the event; people tend to come and go throughout the time.

It's usually scheduled on different days of the week, from Monday to Thursday, at 10 PM or so. This is so that as many people as possible can come. Snacks that worked well are chocolates, peanut butter pretzels, oreos, tea cookies, saltine crackers, Biscotti.

How to run tea time

Send out an email at 11 AM ish the day before with a survey. It should have three or so choices of topics, asking people to check each topic they would be with talking about. On 11 AM of the day of, send an announcement email with the topic. Bump the email when tea time happens. There's a blue box in TVL with a boiler and a bunch of teas.

Every once in a while, run a joint tea time with another hall. We did it with 5W in Fall 2019 and it was great. We should do it more often.

Past topics

  • Identity: What does it mean to be you?
  • Community: What (non-floorpi) communities do you most value being a part of?
  • Aspirations: What would you like to do, whether short term or long term? How do these things make you feel—do they make you feel warm and fuzzy? Why do they make you feel this way?
  • Friendship: What are the things you value most in a friendship? What are the things you look for in close friends?
  • Passions: What are your current passions (career or otherwise)? What makes you excited? How have your passions changed or developed throughout your life?
  • Opinions: What is the most trivial thing about which you have a strong opinion? Pineapple on pizza? The right way to put in toilet paper? Text editors?
  • Gratitude: What’s something that happened this week that you’re grateful for? Or someone you feel especially grateful to this week? Or just something you’re grateful for in general?
  • Loneliness: When do you feel lonely? How can we prevent this together? How can we be alone without being lonely?
  • Media: What’s a good movie/book/tv show/video game/fanfic you’ve watched/read/played recently? Why did you like it?