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Revision as of 14:05, 6 December 2018 by Gkammer (Talk | contribs) (Fall 2018)

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Gabriel A. Kammer
Room H304
Year 2022
Course Undeclared

Hi, I'm Gabriel! I don't know what I want to study yet, but I seem to have an affinity toward courses with numbers that are multiples of 6, except 12. I also have only a vague sense of what I want to do with my life.


  • The phrases "what's up?" and "how's it going?"
    • Because really, aren't many things "up"? What do you want to know? All it accomplishes is the responder saying something vague like "nothing much".
    • And what is "it", which is going? Where is it going?
  • Those times in winter when it's more than cold enough for it to snow for like a week straight, but there's never precipitation, until that one day when the temperature exceeds the freezing point of water and it suddenly pours and things get soggy, and later icy.
  • When you're in a comfortable position and you need to grab something but it's exactly 4 centimeters away from your outstretched fingertips.
  • Bagged tea.
    • Why?
      • Just why?
        • You're paying extra for the taste of paper in your tea.

Things That I Am Studying

AP Credit & ASE

18.01: Single Variable Calculus
18.02: Multivariable Calculus
8.01: Mechanics
8.02: Electricity & Magnetism

Fall 2018

21G.101: Intro to Chinese: A lot more work than one might expect, but the class was great. Attendance is also 100% mandatory and it runs 4 days a week, so if you're not a morning person don't take it early morning.
24.900: Intro to Linguistics: It was fine I guess. I haven't taken other CI-H's to compare this one to, so I can't say whether it was worth taking or not.
18.404: Theory of Computation: Great problem sets, Sipser is a great lecturer as far as I can tell, but I can't comment on quality of lectures past the first month because I stopped going. He wrote the textbook though the lectures are basically a slightly easier-to-understand but more time-consuming alternative to reading the textbook.
6.004: Computation Structures: b l u e s p e c. They changed the curriculum the year I took it and there were lots of issues that hadn't been worked out yet, which made the class less enjoyable than it could have otherwise been.