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Tian-Yi (Damien) Jiang
Room H307
Year 2014
Course Mathematics

Hi guys. I'm Damien. I'm apparently a famous professor, but don't believe that. (Famous links to that due to the existence of... the shirt. *gasp*)

I'm majoring in math. Math is really hard. I also attempt to code sometimes, but pretty much suck; attempt to get A's in physics classes, and fail; pretend to know linguistics because I did some puzzle olympiad; and claim I like swimming and the clarinet (I really should back up my claims more often.) In reality, I just waste all my time. How unfortunate.

I'm a writer for [1] and an assistant/assistant grading captain/apparently now mod? on [2]. I also spend way too much time watching at my Facebook live feed, so don't be too creeped out if I like something you just posted 1 second ago (or if I like something you posted like 3 years ago...)

I like playing SSBM, mainly Sheik/Zelda/Link/Falco, though I'm really bad. I enjoy Starcraft as well (hence teamliquid), though I spend more time watching than playing at my D/D- level. Other than that, I jump through phases in different games, ranging from Pokemon to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup to Tetris. I guess I'm actually ok at Tetris Ultra on [3], since I'm #2 on the leaderboard.