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Revision as of 01:11, 23 September 2018 by Lujan (Talk | contribs) (Work Experience, because this is a resume)

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Eric M. Lujan
Room H304
Year 2019
Courses Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Mathematics

Hello world!

My name is Eric Lujan, and I'm a 2019 living on Floor Pi. I'm a certifiable memelord, and I'm proud to have done my part in bringing dank memes to Floor Pi.

I also make up one-half of Floor Pi's SocComm, and am partially responsible for organizing social events and parties for Floor Pi and East Campus as a whole. I think that's pretty neat. I also am the founder of The East Campus Society of Ramen Communists, a widely-renowned and cherished food co-op that spans many world cuisines (except ramen) and floors (except Florey). Also, ask me (or some other residents of MIT) about the DANKMEMEs FPOP. You'll probably get some knowing grins.

The venerable and well-recognized logo of MIT's oldest and most prestigious food collective.

I'm a member of the MIT chapter of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity (OMG guys a fratboi lives among us whatever shall we do?!). When I'm not busy living the totally-Animal House-esque life that I've become accustomed to, I also am active in The Student Information Processing Board, The MIT Robotics Team, The Office of Minority Education, and Chi Lambda Mu sorority, of which I am a proud sister.

As for biographical things, I don't have much to offer other than that I'm a Las Vegas-MIT transplant who loves puns, coffee, photography, design, technology, and talking to people. Stop by my room any time for tea and pleasant conversation. I've started doing this thing where I leave my door unlocked when I'm on hall, so come in any time if you want to talk, chill, or get into some shenanigans.


Since I suppose it may be useful to some to know what my schedule is so we can pset together.

Fall 2015: 3.091, 8.01, 18.02, CMS.874J, MAS.A19

Spring 2016: 6.01, 6.S197, 8.02, 18.06

Fall 2016: None (working on robot cars and being a techfuck)

Spring 2017: None (working on robot cars and still being a techfuck)

Fall 2017: None (working on robot cars and becoming acutely aware of my techfuckness)

Spring 2018: None (working on robot cars and wondering if being a techfuck is even okay)

Fall 2018: None (working on robot cars and deciding that it isn't and wow I'm getting old)

Work Experience, because this is a resume

January 2015: I had an engineering internship at Cruise Automation developing self-driving car technologies (I even worked with [a former Pizen]!). The future is here, man!

Summer 2016: I'll be participating in MISTI Singapore and will be doing a computer science UROP at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.